![Refried Hippie](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/430163_356804967742700_563160750_n.jpg)
Refried Hippies, like any other micro-culture, are all different people. Different backgrounds, different styles, different beliefs; all with same ideal for world peace. This blog will incorporate all the aspects of a new age hippie lifestyle, with throwbacks from the summer of love!
Topics will include (but are not limited to):
- Hippie/Beatnik culture of the 60's and beyond.
- Political Issues
- Feminism
- Family and Relationships
- Home Decorating and Environmental Tips
- Environmental Issues
- Kids - Raising and Surviving Them
- Pets
- Fashion Trends
- Food and Drink
- Health
- Travel
- Romance and Sex
Also find me on Facebook.
Peace and Love,
Mrs T